Temporary castable post for straight and angled tapered abutment InHex

Temporary castable post for straight and angled tapered abutment InHex
Temporary castable post for straight and angled tapered abutment InHex
  • Temporary castable post for straight and angled tapered abutment InHex
  • Temporary castable post for straight and angled tapered abutment InHex

- Material: Castable plastic
- For screw-retained restorations
- Screwdriver: 1.25 mm Hex tip
- Retentive surface for an easy fixation of the temporary restoration
- Prosthetic screw included

- For temporary restorations to be placed up 2 or 3 months
- Torque: 10 Ncm

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  • Units
  • 13205710

  • 13206710